Unzmarkt-Frauenburg Business directory

> Austria > Styria > Bezirk Murtal > Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

Unzmarkt-Frauenburg entries of companies, administrations and associations are listed here containing address, hours and ratings of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Unzmarkt-Frauenburg entries

There were 70 entries found

Simon-Hafner-Platz 9
8800, Unzmarkt

 03583.21 88
 03583.21 88

Kircheng 16
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2460

Murried 35
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2262
 43 (3583) 2252

Kirchengasse 6
8800, Unzmarkt

 03583.22 83
 03583.20 52

Liechtensteinstraße 9
8800, Unzmarkt


Kärntner Str 6
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2334

Kärntner Str 1
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Kircheng 16
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Oberer Markt 23
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2471
 43 (3583) 2471

Bahnhofstr 7
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 +43 5 1717

Simon-Hafner-Pl 5
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2766

Schwarzenbergsdlg 1
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Oberer Markt 21
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2351

Kärntner Str 34
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

 43 (3583) 2342

Kirchengasse 5a
8800, Unzmarkt


Kirchengasse 6
8800, Unzmarkt


Am Sportplatz 12
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Kircheng 8
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Schulstr 10
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


Schwarzenbergsdlg 42
8800, Unzmarkt-Frauenburg


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Cities & surrounding

Unzmarkt-Frauenburg branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Unzmarkt-Frauenburg in this month. This month 21 companies were registered, 48 were updated and 68 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Unzmarkt-Frauenburg March 2025Diagram Unzmarkt-FrauenburgDiagram Unzmarkt-Frauenburg March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Unzmarkt-Frauenburg with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Unzmarkt-Frauenburg 2025Statistics Unzmarkt-FrauenburgStatistics Unzmarkt-Frauenburg 202501428425670February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Unzmarkt-Frauenburg