Oberalm Business directory Page 2

> Austria > Salzburg > Politischer Bezirk Hallein > Oberalm

Business entries of Oberalm are gathered here containing address, hours and ratings of customers. You can enlist your own business entry or organization here.

Oberalm entries

There were 328 entries found

Knollengutweg 6
5411, Oberalm

 43 (664) 3022562
 43 (6245) 70581

Halleiner Landesstr 57
5411, Oberalm


Halleiner Landesstr 42
5411, Oberalm

 43 (6245) 80792
 43 (6245) 78464

Nußdorfstr 1
5411, Oberalm


Kahlspergstr 736
5411, Oberalm

 43 (6245) 70043

Halleiner Landesstr 34
5411, Oberalm


Wiestalstr 39
5411, Oberalm

 43 (6245) 87747
 43 (6245) 87748

Halleiner Landesstr 44
5411, Oberalm


Halleiner Landesstr 55
5411, Oberalm


Halleiner Landesstr 482
5411, Oberalm

 43 (6245) 80067

Kahlspergstr 5
5411, Oberalm


Halleiner Landesstraße 44
5411, Oberalm


Kohlreitweg 2
5411, Oberalm


Tischlereigasse 1
5411, Oberalm

 06245.857 45
 06245.823 28

Fischervillerstr. 996
5411, Oberalm

 43.(6245) 845 21
 43.(6245) 845 21 15

Halleiner Landesstr 24
5411, Oberalm

 43 (6245) 85425
 43 (6245) 85425-4

Seefeldmühlstrasse 138
5411, Oberalm

 06245.813 22
 06245.813 22

Brunnenfeldstr. 925 OBERALM AUSTRIA A-

 436 24585450
 436 245854505

Kladerergutweg 834
5411, Oberalm


Halleiner Landesstr 949
5411, Oberalm


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Cities & surrounding

Oberalm branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Oberalm in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 70 were updated and 50 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Oberalm December 2024Diagram OberalmDiagram Oberalm December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Oberalm with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Oberalm 2024Statistics OberalmStatistics Oberalm 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Oberalm